Why I Created This Community

I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2011. After my diagnosis I started learning everything I could about celiac disease and piecing resources together from books to websites to information from my providers. I felt overwhelmed and frustrated by the lack of accurate information from websites and forums. I also longed for a community and a place where everything was in one place — I’m a virgo and an eldest child so you could say I like organization :)

Fast forward a few years after my diagnosis and my love for nutrition grew and I went on to study Nutrition & Dietetics at the University of New Hampshire. Post Bachelor’s degree in order to become a registered and licensed dietitian you must complete a 1500 hour internship and pass a national exam. While completing my internship, I also received my Master’s Degree in Community Health Education from Merrimack College. Having equal access to nutrition education no matter what health condition, is something I think everyone deserves. I have put thousands of hours into The Celiac Community, trying to make it the best resource for you, your family and your friends at an affordable rate. Gluten-free food is already expensive enough and that doesn’t even include the high cost of countless medical appointments trying to get a diagnosis.

My passion and goal in life is to help others feel less alone living with celiac disease. To this day I am the only one in my family with celiac disease and I know firsthand how challenging it can be navigating life with celiac. I hope The Celiac Community helps you feel confident and connects you with other fellow celiacs!

Warm regards,


Tired of inaccurate info on forums like Reddit and Facebook? Join The Celiac Community today for accurate, science-based resources and answers to all your questions!

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I help you feel confident navigating a celiac safe gluten-free diet.

Today, I work as a specialized celiac dietitian and support clients with new and existing celiac disease diagnoses.

The Celiac Community is a resource I wish I had when I was diagnosed. The Celiac Community is a place to find answers to all of your questions, resources for meal planning, grocery shopping, traveling, dining out, fun webinar topics and monthly support groups.